I will add this necklace to my shop on Etsy when I post the Moon Talisman series at the end of this week. Sign up here if you want me to notify you by email as soon as it is available.
I decided to lengthen the Unity necklace I made several months ago. I like how the large amethyst frames the solar plexus. I will add this necklace to my shop on Etsy when I post the Moon Talisman series at the end of this week. Sign up here if you want me to notify you by email as soon as it is available. I have been thinking a lot about a video I recently saw in The School of Life –a web series created by philosopher Alain de Botton that helps develop emotional intelligence through culture. The video is titled, The Weakness of Strength. Using whimsical graphics, de Botton explains how we can have better relationships if we accept the shadow side of people’s virtues. “Every strength that an individual has, necessarily brings with it a weakness of which it is an inherent part.” Therefore, no one can be perfect because “it is impossible to have strengths without weaknesses.” This idea has helped me judge myself less harshly. I have always felt guilty about not seeing the people I love more often, for taking a long time to reply to their emails, and for disconnecting from society in general for long periods of time. But I’ve now realized that the issues that make me a distant friend, become qualities that help me become a better artist: focused discipline, obsesive determination, and a need for solitude. Perhaps one day I will find peace in this dichotomy. Convergent Moons pendant. Handmade with silver obsidian and 100% recycled sterling silver. Soon in my online shop. “Consider the fact that for 3.8 billion years, a period of time older than the earth's mountains and rivers and oceans, every one of your forebears on both sides has been attractive enough to find a mate, healthy enough to reproduce, and sufficiently blessed by fate and circumstances to live long enough to do so. Lunar Formation pendant. Handmade with silver obsidian, transparent quartz and 100% recycled sterling silver. Soon in my online shop. Striped top by my friends at Fábrica Social. I am back at work on the Moon Talisman series I began a few months ago. Double Moon Talisman. Handmade with labradorite moonstone and 100% recycled sterling silver. Soon in my online shop. This is the final piece of my High Rise series. I gave each ring an extra tall bezel to add power to an otherwise simple piece. It does not take much to make something more interesting. I found some gorgeous beets in the corner store this morning. They were so full of life that I had to include them in today’s photoshoot. Afterwards I cooked and ate them, grateful for their sweet and delicious nourishment “As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.” Every experience holds a gift. During my month-long illness I re-gained a sense of inner silence and stillness that I continue to cultivate. When I am in this state, I can observe and appreciate the world in a way that is so much richer than when I am stressed. From this state, I receive the gift of life in every moment I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world Unified ring. Handmade with gray moonstone and 100% recycled sterling silver. Soon in my online shop. Huipil (top) by Fabrica Social. Today I modeled for my friends at Fabrica Social, who create a gorgeous line of clothing and accesories made by indigenous textile artisans throughout Mexico. They documented local designers (who are also fans of their work) wearing their favorite garments from the Spring/Summer collection, in their own studios. When I pose to showcase my jewelry, I am also the photographer, so it was interesting to be completely on the other side of the lens. I don’t usually open up to projects like this, because I love having whole days to concentrate on my jewelry, but today’s photoshoot was lively and fun, and I got to hang out with creative people who reminded me that every experience makes life richer. Rose Colored ring. Handmade with rose quartz and 100% recycled sterling silver. Soon in my online shop. When I was sick, I had no energy to read, write or draw. All I could do was sleep. In that state, I completely disconnected from my routines, goals and worries. Around week four, I awoke with images of new jewely designs in my mind. Day by day, these pieces beckoned me to return. With their arrival came the curiosity and vitalty that helped me recover. Now I am back at work exploring strong, minimal forms. Rings with powerful foundations that are grounded in their very essence. Purity ring. Handmade with transparent quartz and 100% recycled sterling silver. Soon in my online shop. Moon Talismans. Handmade with transparent quartz, Orthocera fossil, and 100% recycled sterling silver. Soon in my online shop. I began this week thinking about verbs, then clouds and terraced landscapes. Now that I’ve finished this ring series, I realize that what I was actually seeing in my mind were cacti. I was taking a walk through an imaginary botanical garden, looking closely at every specimen, observing its structure and feeling its texture. Sometimes I need perspective to understand what I am doing. When I make a piece that is succesful, I am always tempted to repeat it. But I have worked at my craft long enough to know that if I do, I’d fall into the formula trap. This trap ruins most art because it squeezes the life out of it. I know that there is no way to create something fresh and interesting unless I let go of all expectations and begin again. I must approach each creative exercise with the innocence and freedom of a child, who is happy to engage in the process, just to see what she discovers. The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect |
welcomeI am Jennifer Musi, the jewelry artist behind MUSIBATTY, and this is my blog archive.
Here you can find posts from December 2013, to May, 2016. I will no longer update this site. Please click on the link below to see my recent work. @musibattyOn Social Media
ConnectRespectI made this blog to share my work with you. I believe in generosity and I want to live in a world where we all inspire each other.
All of my designs and photographs are copyrighted. If you would like to reproduce them in any way, please email me first. Archives
May 2016
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