Compared to jewelry making, drawing does not feel like work. It lacks the physical effort and serves no practical function. While I’ve fallen in love with this medium, I have also felt in conflict by its futility. Had I not committed to this challenge I would have given up weeks ago. I am glad I didn’t. My practical mind is finally getting used to the idea that my job is to create, no matter what medium I use, or what I make.
I recently read Amanda Palmer's The Art of Asking, and was reminded of the true function of my work as an artist:
You are an artist when you say you are. And you’re a good artist when you make somebody else experience or feel something deep or unexpected.
Now more than ever I let my curiosity lead and I try to connect with a deeper space within me as I create. This lets me be present to the process and let go of the results. Drawing regularly has also made me paint again. What I've made so far does not come close to what I envision in my mind, but I know it will if I keep trying.
Silver ink on paper.
100 Days 100 Drawings Series.